Mathematical modeling of mechanical energy accumulator
tractor, load, towing, trailer, battery, energy, electric machineAbstract
Short-term peak loads of machines and mechanisms create the need to accumulate mechanical energy for its subsequent pulsed use. This is quite relevant, for example, for airfield tractors at the initial stage of towing heavy aircraft. The use of a mechanical energy accumulator will reduce the power of the tractor engine. The mechanical energy accumulator can be made in the form of a direct current electric machine or a valve machine, on the shaft of which a superflywheel is attached. When an electrical machine is connected to a power source, a non-stationary process occurs, described by two differential equations: one for mechanical quantities, the other for electrical ones. A mechanical energy accumulator can be interpreted as an artificial electrical capacitor, which stores and releases not the energy of the electric field, but the kinetic energy of rotation of the superflywheel.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Вестник Новороссийского филиала Белгородского государственного технологического университета им. В. Г. Шухова. Серия: механика и математика

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