Method for calculating the stress-strain state of anisotropic bodies of arbitrary shap


  • G. Yu. Ermolenko Novorossiisk Branch of Belgorod V G Shukhov State Technology University
  • I. S. Makarova Samara State Transport University


boundary value elasticity problem, Green tensor, Lame operator, multiple Fourier transform, support vector function, convolution theorem


A calculation method for the stress-strain state of a homogeneous anisotropic body of arbitrary shape bounded by a piecewise smooth surface is proposed. The behavior of the body is described by the problem of the anisotropic theory of elasticity. The concept of a basic solution of the Lame operator is introduced, which is similar to the fundamental solution of the theory of generalized functions and the singular solution of equations of mathematical physics. It is proved that the basic solution depends on difference of arguments. It is shown how the Green tensor of the original problem is constructed by using a basic solution, multiple Fourier transform, finite volume convolution, and surface and support vectors convolution theorems – functions chosen appropriately, bypassing the solution of the original elasticity problem. The proposed method allows obtaining an analytical solution to the considered problem of the anisotropic theory of elasticity for an arbitrary-shaped body and to determine the desired components of the displacement vector as a function of the coordinates of the body point for the three main problems of elasticity theory. These are the problem with the displacements specified on the surface of the deformable body, the problem with the forces specified on the surface and the problem with the displacements specified on one part of the surface, and the forces on the other part of the surface. As an example of using the proposed method, the problem of the deformation of an anisotropic square plate with a displaced circular hole is solved. In the numerical implementation of the method using the Mathcad software, instead of the multiple Fourier transform, the multiple discrete Fourier transform was used. The number of break points during discretization was assumed to be thirty. The solution obtained by the method described in the work was compared with the known solution of the problem, and it was found that the graphs of the known solution and the solution obtained by the proposed method coincide.


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How to Cite

Ермоленко, Г. Ю., & Макарова, И. С. (2021). Method for calculating the stress-strain state of anisotropic bodies of arbitrary shap. Вестник Новороссийского филиала Белгородского государственного технологического университета им. В. Г. Шухова. Серия: механика и математика, 1(1), 23-31. Retrieved from




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