Possibilities of using algebraic surfaces in modern design


  • O. V. Mkrtychev Novorossiisk Branch of Belgorod V G Shukhov State Technology University
  • S. S. Yusupova Novorossiisk Branch of Belgorod V G Shukhov State Technology University


modern design, building shells, algebraic surfaces, Dupin cyclide


This paper discusses the possibility of using the equations of three-dimensional surfaces for modeling building shells. Different types of buildings and structures in different styles of modern architectural design require different mathematical models. One of the convenient and promising areas of such construction modeling can be surfaces modeled by algebraic equations.


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How to Cite

Мкртычев, О. В. ., & Юсупова, С. С. . (2021). Possibilities of using algebraic surfaces in modern design. Вестник Новороссийского филиала Белгородского государственного технологического университета им. В. Г. Шухова. Серия: механика и математика, 1(2), 031-036. Retrieved from https://vestnik-nbbstu-mechmath.ru/ojs/index.php/vnfbstumm/article/view/17



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