Lamé's problem on pipe deformation under the action of internal and external pressure


  • O. V. Mkrtychev Novorossiisk Branch of Belgorod V G Shukhov State Technology University


Lame problem, thick-walled pipes, internal and external pressure, method of support functions


In this paper, we consider the solution of the Lamé problem of determining stresses and strains in thick-walled hollow cylinders using the example of a pipe under a state of external and internal pressure. The classical analytical solution for determining the stress-strain state is compared with the solution obtained by the numerical-analytical method of support functions.


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How to Cite

Мкртычев, О. В. (2021). Lamé’s problem on pipe deformation under the action of internal and external pressure. Вестник Новороссийского филиала Белгородского государственного технологического университета им. В. Г. Шухова. Серия: механика и математика, 1(1), 32-36. Retrieved from




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